REU Class of 2023 Student Q&A

Wyatt Carbonell
"I think the best thing about this REU is the ability to work at the forefront of physics in a welcoming and supportive environment. While the work I am doing has its challenges, I can always rely on my mentor or larger research group for help when I get stuck on something I can’t figure out."

Emily Rapp
"The research is amazing but the other REU students made this summer the experience of a lifetime...This summer has also erased my doubts about going to grad school as it was an opportunity to see what grad school is really like and I believe that I would thrive in an academic environment, especially in a field like experimental accelerator physics."

Taylor Ray
"This summer experience at Cornell was one of the best experiences I’ve had. The community here is amazing, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time exploring Ithaca with my fellow REU students. Another amazing aspect is getting to experience a real research environment, and having a chance to have amazing conversations with brilliant researchers."

Laura Smith
"I’ve really enjoyed getting the opportunity to immerse myself in accelerator physics and learn as much as I can about how accelerators work. It was incredible to get the chance to walk in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) tunnel and actually see the essential components of an accelerator I read and learned about. "