
About Us
Cornell Particle Theory group consists of faculty members, postdocs and graduate students. We pursue research on string theory, string cosmology, physics beyond the standard model, collider physics, flavor physics, lattice gauge theory, particle astrophysics, and applications of quantum field theory to condensed matter systems. Our research is made possible by generous support of the National Science Foundation.
Faculty: Csaba Csaki, Paul Ginsparg, Yuval Grossman, Thomas Hartman, André LeClair, Peter Lepage, Liam McAllister, Maxim Perelstein
Contact Information
For general inquiries, please contact:
Katerina Malysheva
Physical Sciences Building 455
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
phone: +1-607-255-5722
To contact a member of the group directly, please click here for faculty/postdocs/ graduate students.