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Cornell University


CLASSE stands for Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based ScienceS and Education

REU 2024 Projects

Kate Shanks

Kaylee Jones 

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Image correction algorithms for high-speed x-ray radiography" 
Liana Shpani and Gabriel Gaitan 

Leaf Kullgren

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Upgrading Nb3Sn Vapor Diffusion Furnace Control" 
Nicole Verboncoeur, Adam Holic, and Jake Parsons

Meg Farinsky

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Designing a High-Pressure Rinse Mount for Superconducting Material Samples"


Liana Shpani and Gabriel Gaitan 

Skyla Hong

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Improving Control GUI and Plasma System for Chemical Vapor Deposition"


Sadie Seddon-Stettler, Nathan Sitaraman, and Nicole Verboncoeur

Laraib Irfan

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Temperature Mapping System Design for 2.6 GHz Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities"


Thomas Oseroff

Jack Caputo

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Consideration of microwave cavity ports in electromagnetic FEM solvers"


Cristobal Mendez and Nathan Sitaraman

Richard Zheng

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Density-Functional Theory Investigation of Impurity Interactions Near Niobium Surfaces"


Nathan Sitaraman and Sadie Seddon-Stettler

Kirin Chanteloup

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Impurity Diffusion Modeling of Niobium Surfaces for Superconducting Radio-Frequency"


Tyler Wu

Ethan Kahn

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Theoretical study of the effects of capping layers on photocathodes using ab initio molecular dynamics "


Matt Gordon

Felix Gonzalez

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Studying Time Dependent Ion-back Bombardment Effects in HERACLES"


Elena Echeverria

Natalie Gonzalez

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Synthesis and characterization of alkali antimonide films"


Matt Andorf

Lily Smith

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Modeling Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Data"


Karl Smolenski

Hector 'Manfredo' Ochoa-Aragon

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Next Generation Barrel Detector Mechanics"


Karl Smolenski and Joseph Grassi

Jillian Cola

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"TFPX Module Testing"


Michael Oshiro and Anders Ryd

Dicken Martinez

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Higgs reconstruction at FCC-ee"


Ben Keller

Sydney Holt

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Designing, building, and testing instrumentation for novel astronomical cameras"


Matt Signorelli

Gavin Hunsche

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Nonlinear Particle Tracking using GPUs"


Suchi Sarker and Valentin Kuznetsov

Nathan Martuza

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Integration of Machine-learning algorithms to MLHub@CHEXS"


Matthias Liepe

Juan Arreola

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"High Q normal conducting cavites"


Karl Smolenski

Rami Husseini

3-Week Presentation, Final Presentation, Final Report

"Gas Cooling for Future Tracking Detectors"