Taylor Ray REU 23

Home Institution: Northern Arizona University
Program: REU at CLASSE
Semester: Summer 2023
Expected Graduation Year: 2026
Mentor(s): Azriel Finsterer
What is your home institution and your expected graduation year?
I go to Northern Arizona University, and I am set to graduate in 2026.
Which CLASSE summer program are you a part of and who is your mentor?
I am in the CLASSE REU program, and I am working in the Hines group with Azriel Finsterer as my mentor.
What is the research you are engaged in and what have you accomplished so far this summer? What are you hoping to accomplish by the end of your project?
This summer, I worked on a project that involved developing an automated process to analyze data received through X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy. My code, which is now finished, dealt with removing background signal and doing something called ‘peak-stripping’ which reveals hidden signals in the data!
What are the impacts of your research for the general public?
My research helped in the analysis of Cs3Sb photocathodes, which are used to create electron beams. These electron beams are super useful for scientific research, but also can be used for medical treatment and even wastewater treatment!
What are you enjoying most about this research/summer experience?
This summer experience at Cornell was one of the best experiences I’ve had. The community here is amazing, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time exploring Ithaca with my fellow REU students. Another amazing aspect is getting to experience a real research environment, and having a chance to have amazing conversations with brilliant researchers.
What are you finding the most challenging about this research?
Something really challenging about this research experience was the first few weeks, where everything is new and a little daunting! After a few weeks, you really start to adapt and you realize how much you’re capable of; but, I think those first few weeks were a bit of a challenge for all of us.
How has this experience changed your view about being a researcher?
This experience really made me realize that this is what I want to do. I saw how collaborative science research can be, and how amazing it is to be surrounded by people who are as passionate as you about a subject. I also realized, however, that being a researcher is very draining at times. I feel motivated to develop some self-care techniques in order to work hard without burning out at the end of the day.