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Cornell University


CLASSE stands for Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based ScienceS and Education

Past Events

Full listing

Physical Sciences Building, 401

The QCD axion is a particularly well-motivated dark matter candidate, as it would both explain dark matter and resolve the strong CP problem. Recent numerical simulations of axion production from string networks in the post-inflationary universe predict axions at high masses inaccessible to current experiments.

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Title: Superradiance clouds in the sky: ultralight bosons around black holes
Host: Csaba Csaki

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Title: From heavy to light: new physics at high-intensity muon experiments
Host: Yuval Grossman

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

General Physics Colloquium and Krumhansl Lecture, Professor Karen Kasza, Columbia University

Title: Stress management: dissecting how epithelial tissues flow and fold inside developing embryos

Host: Itai Cohen

Physical Sciences Building, 301

Title: Road to Minimal WIMPs
Host: Taewook Youn

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Neutrino oscillations: current status and future prospects

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Machine-Detector Interface Challenges and Solutions for the Electron-Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Title: Dark Matter Substructure as a Window to Fundamental Physics
Host: Bingrong Yu

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

CANCELED General Physics Colloquium, Dr. Bonnie Fleming, Fermilab CANCELED

Title: Fermilab Science in the Next Decade and Beyond

Host: Jim Alexander

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Title: Search for the tiniest Quark-Gluon "droplet" with the CMS experiment