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Cornell University


CLASSE stands for Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based ScienceS and Education

Past Events

Full listing

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

Day to Night and Back Again: The Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 - Prof. Nils Deppe, Physics Department, Cornell University

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

General Physics Colloquium, Prof. Ali Yazdani, Princeton University

Title: Visualizing Correlated Quantum Phases of Matter in Flat Bands

Host: Xiaomeng Liu

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Innovating New Detector Technologies for HEP

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

General Physics Colloquium, Professor Katelyn Breivik, CMU

Title: Binary evolution: a multi-messenger, multi-band puzzle

Host: Nils Deppe

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Extended-Path Intensity Correlation (EPIC)

I will introduce a conceptually new astronomical technique---extended-path intensity correlation (EPIC)---and discuss its scientific applications.

Bill and Melinda Gates Hall, 122

AI Lunchtime Seminar- Bethe Lectures, Professor Lenka Zdeborová, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Title: On Generalization and Uncertainty in Learning with Neural Networks

Host: Thorsten Joachims

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

Spring 2024 Bethe Lecture Series - Public Lecture, Professor Lenka Zdeborová, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Title: Bridging Physics and Computer Science: Understanding Hard Problems

Host: James Sethna

Physical Sciences Building, 401

From QCD scale to QCD axion, a dynamical solution to dark matter and baryons coincidence

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

General Physics Colloquium and Bethe Lectures, Professor Lenka Zdeborová, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Title: From Bethe Lattice to Unraveling Complex Systems

Host: James Sethna

Physical Sciences Building, 401

Axions at high densities