CESR Operations Schedule
2025-2026 Schedule (pdf, png):

2024-2025 Schedule:

2023-2024 Schedule (pdf, png):
2022-2023 Schedule (pdf, png):
2021-2022 Schedule (pdf, png):
2020-2021 Schedule (pdf, png):
2019-2020 Schedule (pdf, png):
Understanding the CESR Schedule
The following scheduling categories, along with their percentage contribution, is shown on the current version of the CESR Operations Calendar:
- CHESS: Dedicated running for X-ray users.
- CHESS MS: Setup and development time for CHESS operations.
- CESR-TA: Dedicated running time for the CESR Test Accelerator program.
- CESR-TA Startup: Setup and processing time for the CESR-TA program.
- MIXED MS: Machine studies periods with mixed CHESS and CESR-TA tests.
- Startup/Recovery: Machine startup and recovery periods after downs and scheduled accesses.
- DOWN: Scheduled maintenance/upgrade periods for the accelerator.
- ACCESS: Weekly machine access periods.
- UNSCHED DOWN: Unscheduled down time for emergency repairs.
Older Schedules:
- 2014 Schedule (pdf, png)
- The 2013 Operations Schedule (pdf, png)
- The 2012 Operations Schedule: (pdf, png)
- The 2011 Operations Schedule (pdf, png)
- The 2010 Operations Schedule (pdf, png)
- 2009 gif schedule
- 2008 gif schedule
- Older text and gif schedules
- Data on % of calendar time spent in HEP 1994-2001
- With less of dedicated running time here