Wed Aug 29 | Jay Hubisz | Syracuse U. | Self-Organized Higgs Criticality Poster |
Fri Aug 31 | Stefan Schacht | Cornell | LEPP Joint Seminar: Extraction of V_{cb} from B -> D^*l nu and SM prediction of R(D^*) Poster |
Wed Sept 5 | Peizhi Du | University of Maryland | Hybrid seesaw leptogenesis and TeV singlets Poster |
Fri Sept 7 |
Mon Sept 10 2:30pm | Bernard Julia | Ecole Normale Superieure, France | E8 families Poster |
Wed Sept 12 | Paul Oehlmann | Virginia Tech | F-theory and global models of high energy physics Poster |
Fri Sept 14 | Nathan Lourie | U Penn | LEPP Joint Seminar: Sub-arcminute Galactic Polarimetry with the Next Generation Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST-TNG) Poster |
Wed Sept 19 | Sungwoo Hong | Cornell | Dirac neutrino from clockwork and its phenomenology Poster |
Fri Sept 21 301 PSB | Jim Talbert | DESY | LEPP Joint Seminar: Leptoquarks, residual flavour symmetries, and anomalous B-decays: a (roughly) model-independent approach to R_K(*) and fermionic mixing Poster |
Wed Sept 26 | | |
Fri Sept 28 |
Wed Oct 3 | Jason Aebischer | Technische Universität München | Epsilon'/epsilon beyond the SM: Poster |
Fri Oct 5 | John Stout | University of Amsterdam | Non-perturbative Potentials in the Real Time Poster |
Wed Oct 10 |
Fri Oct 12 | Zhen Liu | University of Maryland | LEPP Joint Seminar: Timing BSM signals at the LHC Poster |
Wed Oct 17 | |
Fri Oct 19 | Murat Kologlu | Caltech | The Conformal Bootstrap at Finite Temperature and the 3d Ising CFT Poster |
Wed Oct 24 | Grant N. Remmen | UC Berkeley | Weak Gravity Conjecture from Black Hole Entropy Poster |
Fri Oct 26 | Andrew J. Long | University of Michigan | LEPP Joint Seminar: Black Holes, and Nuggets, and Blobs. Oh my! Poster |
Tue Oct 30 B Exam | Wee Hao Ng | Cornell | Revisiting hydrogen-antihydrogen oscillations in the interstellar medium Poster |
Wed Oct 31 | Jorrit Kruthoff | University of Amsterdam | Superradiance and representation theory Poster |
Fri Nov 2 | Matthew D. Klimek | Cornell | LEPP Joint Seminar: Neural Network-Based Approach to Phase Space Integration Poster |
Wed Nov 7 | Marco Farina | Stony Brook | Searching for anomalies at the LHC with machine learning Poster |
Fri Nov 9 | John Terning | UC Davis | Resolving the Weinberg Paradox with Topology Poster |
Tues Nov 13 | Bernardo Zan | IHES | Walking, weakly first order phase transitions and complex CFTs Poster |
Wed Nov 14 | Matthew Reece | Harvard | Photon Masses in the Landscape and Dark Photon Dark Matter Poster |
Fri Nov 16 | Arvin Shahbazi Moghaddam | Berkeley | Energy is Entanglement Poster |
Wed Nov 21 |
Fri Nov 23 |
Wed Nov 28 | Felix Yu | Mainz | Collider probes of a gauged U(1) baryon number Poster |
Fri Nov 30 | Jonathan Heckman | U. Penn | F-theory and Dark Energy Poster |
Tue Dec 4 4pm | Miguel Montero | KU Leuven | The WGC from holographic entanglement entropy |